Generally online pharmacies require for some type of drugs prescription, for others no prescription. Even an international can order and receive medication from such pharmacies, though if you live in an other country and have prescription we recommend using your local drugstore.
Here there is information about psychiatry in general and a mental disorders list together with info on medication used to treat such illnesses. Have you ever asked yourself, "What is a mental disorder? What does it mean to suffer from a mental illness? How can one know if one is sick? What is an anxiety disorder? Psychiatry states excessive sense energies and manic excessive consume is negative but we define all senses as negative.
The scientific study of psychological disorders is still an ongoing activity and as a result, the mental disorders list is still not complete.
Psychiatry isnt a perfect science and there is still much research to be done.The number of people in the world suffering from severe mental illnesses are less than 5% but for mider symtpoms like depression and anxiety the number can go all the way up to 40%. So most likely you dont have a severe illness, but fall in the category of people who suffer from mild anxiety and depression disorders. Reading about it can help and even seeking for a doctor can increase chances of you recovering and having less of those periodes with anxiety and, or, depression.. Did you know you might benefit from intake of water (more if you drink coffee, alcohol and smoke tobacco) and take fiber?
Did you know that bacteria infections can lead to mental disorders?
Antianxiety Medications (Info about medicine for treatment of anxiety) Click here to read about it
Antidepressant Medications (Info about the drugs for depression) Click here to read about it
Antipsychotic Medicine (Information about psychotic medication) Click here to read about it
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"Often we use difficult words to describe psychological disorders. Psychosis is such a word. When we use different difficult words it can.."
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"A woman in her midst 40s griefs: "It's so empty in my house.I have been depressed since my children moved away." A girl whispers to her friend.."
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"Social phobia is a state where one is afraid of relationships. The most common is the fear of beeng dishonoured. There are 2 types of persons.."
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"First school established was in 1605. ADHD was first recognized as a disorder in 1902. A British doctor was the one who made the diagnose."
Click here to read the article
"In the latest years compulsive disorder symptoms have been more known. This involves both compulsive thoughts and compulsive actions. It.."
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"There are many theories of why eating disorders develop. Some claim that is a diet plan that has come out of control, other believe it is a reaction of .."
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"Bipolar effective disorder is when the sick have two or more episodes where the emotional, and activity level is seriously disturbed. It can be.."
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"Schizophrenia is a psychological disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes and by..."
©2015 - Andreas Harkiolakis Notodden 3674 Norway +4792092883 All rights reserved
Source Text is taken directly and translated by us from the norwegian health institute named mental helse
This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.
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